Board of Directors

The Board of Directors is responsible for the overall management of Migros. It formulates the corporate and non-material objectives of the FMC and the Migros Community.


The Board of Directors, as the senior management body, exercises a supervisory and control function over the conduct of business by the Executive Board. It appoints and supervises the Executive Board, and is responsible for the strategic orientation of the Migros Community, the structure of the financial reporting, financial control and financial planning. Another function of the Board of Directors is to create efficient management and organisational structures for Migros.

The Board of Directors delegates operational management to the Executive Board, which is headed by the Chief Executive Officer.

Its officers and competences are listed in the rules of organisation of the Board of Directors. These rules are currently under review.

Decisions are agreed by the full Board of Directors, taking account of the usual rules in cases of conflict of interest. Members of the Board of Directors normally receive written notification of motions in advance.

With regard to composition, every effort is made to create a balanced ratio between internal and external members. The Chairman of the Executive Board, one representative from each of the ten regional Cooperatives (normally the managing director) and two staff representatives are regarded as internal members in view of their contract of employment with Migros. It is forbidden under the statutes to hold more than one key administrative office at the same time. Nine persons from the business sector act as external members.
With the exception of the representatives of the regional Cooperatives, the members of the Board of Directors are elected for a four-year term of office by the Assembly of Delegates. Members may be re-elected. The members of the Board of Directors retire on reaching their 70th year.